"Is it our intention, as the most productive agricultural area the world has ever known, to house the world or feed it?"
-- Denny Jackman
Our History​
​In 1995, at the request of Congressman Gary Condit, a large diverse group was asked to attend a meeting regarding the conversion of agricultural lands in our region of the Central Valley of California. The broad range of individuals continued meeting to discuss the important issues of preserving agricultural land.
Over time, a core group from the original meeting identified itself as Farmland Working Group. In 1999, FWG adopted Articles of Incorporation and By-laws and filed as a 501 (c)(3) corporation. With a focus on education, FWG created a video, A Vision and a Legacy, and curriculum appropriate for service organizations, clubs and classrooms. A second video, A Part of the Soil, was produced in 2003.
Since 1999, Farmland Working Group has been a voice for wise land use and the long-term capability for food production in our region – the world’s most productive farmland. With the Central Valley of California projected to be one of the fastest growing regions in the nation, what will become of our prime irrigated farmland – how can we not become another Los Angeles basin?
Community Outreach
​Farmland Working Group Community Advocates are dedicated to protecting farmland in Stanislaus and Merced Counties. Our advocates are the spokespeople on the front lines of local farmland protection. They work tirelessly to protect our agricultural lands and promote sound urban development, long-range planning and balanced growth.
FWG remains committed to responsible land use. Through effective, organized grassroots activism, we keep a constant watch on local planning commissions, city councils, and boards of supervisors in Stanislaus and Merced Counties. Farmland Working Group works closely with other non-profit organizations whose focus is farmland protection and smart growth.

High School Program
​The Farmland Working Group can provide videos, curriculum and speakers for teachers who want to participate in the High School Program. If interested, please contact the Scholarship Committee by e-mail at scholarships@farmlandworkinggroup.org or submit the application by mail to P.O. Box 948, Turlock, CA 95381.